Artos Digital is committed to helping Christian families educate their children whether that’s through homeschooling, Christian schooling, or simply supporting children in a public school environment. As we provide courses and resources for parents and homeschoolers, we are building a substantial audience of people who are committed to Christian education and are typically spending significant amounts of money to do it.
These families need a wide variety of resources to help them accomplish their educational goals. In addition to providing these kinds of resources, we are also committed to helping them find other publishers and resource providers who can help them.
Artos Academy offers families a range of courses that address the Christian family’s educational needs. We also publish a weekly newsletter to Artos Academy registrants.
Blog articles serve parents with insightful tips and suggestions that go beyond the courses themselves.
Because Artos Academy is just getting launched, we’re anxious to work with new advertisers who want to grow with us as our audience grows. And, we provide welcome-to-the-family pricing for new advertisers!
Pricing will be flexible and based on factors like audience size, performance, bundling, etc. Please use the message form to the right to let us know how we can meet your needs.