Private Counseling

We have access to a group of professional and highly-qualified counselors who can step into your life at an appropriate level to listen and guide.

We don’t ask a lot of questions and we don’t judge. We simply try to connect you with someone who can help you, whatever that means.

If you think you might be able to benefit from private, discreet, professional counseling, just let us know. We understand that ministry is hard and can take a toll on the individual minister and our families. We want to help if we can.

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Education Opportunities

We believe in education. We are educators at heart. We also believe in the power of technology to facilitate substantive learning experiences. That’s why we’re

Education Resources

Creating resources that help people grow is what we do. That includes all ages of people in all walks of life. We’re particularly concerned with

Church Resources

At the end of the day, our goal is to help the local church honor Him and advance His Kingdom. And while we are a

Church Leadership Training

The New Testament church has always valued training and preparation. The Lord has given us brains and He expects us to do what we can

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