The New Testament church has always valued training and preparation. The Lord has given us brains and He expects us to do what we can to learn and prepare for ministry. The good news is that high-quality training is now available in ways that are affordable and convenient, even for the busy, full-time minister.
We are actively building a database of established institutions that serve the needs of both new and seasoned ministers. We’ll be announcing more about this in the near future. (Let us know if you want to receiving additional information about these schools.) In addition, we have launched The Artos Learning platform that provides a healthy and growing mix of online courses for anyone, regardless of prior experience or training.
The Lord has always used leaders to accomplish His purposes through the church. We seek to facilitate the training of those leaders in any way we can. And, we welcome your inquiries or suggestions on how we can make quality, affordable training available to God’s faithful servants.