A publishing imprint is merely a brand under which specific types of books are published so they can be identified with other similar kinds of books. This allows the value of the imprint to be leveraged for the sake of each book carrying that imprint.
Artos Digital publishes books under the larger umbrella of Seven Interactive Publishing. Seven Interactive Publishing has been publishing books for a number of years and has, consequently, developed brand equity that can help sell all the books it publishes. Other brands or imprints that exist under the Seven Interactive brand include the following.
2819 Publishing
This is a new brand (imprint) that services those responsible for Christian discipleship in the local church. It also includes institutional leaders as well as independent consultants who provide training and expertise to churches in the area of discipleship. These experienced practitioners have wisdom, insights, and best practices to share that can be applied to churches seeking to develop biblical disciples.
Seven Interactive Academic
The academic world needs books that make a distinct contribution to specific fields of study. Those who teach at the graduate and undergraduate level are typically engaged in research and study that can make this kind of positive contribution once published. This may include the interpretation of biblical texts as well as content specific to any particular field of study.
Kalo Publishing
Kalo Publishing is for authors involved in pastoral ministry or wishing to speak to senior pastors in the local church. Content may be aimed at Christians or non-Christians, but it has been written from a pastoral point of view. Or, content may speak to pastoral leaders and address any topic relevant to them. Most senior pastors are creating content on a regular basis as they prepare messages for the pulpit. This imprint can help them turn this content into a book.
Seven Interactive
This imprint allows us to help the general interest author who has a book topic that may not fit clearly under another imprint. Many authors have had significant life experiences that have made them passionate about a particular topic or issue. These books can be quite valuable to those who share a similar passion. Topics can come from a very broad range of issues and address virtually any topic.
Whatever your area of interest, if you’re interested in publishing a book, it’s likely we can help and one of our imprints can place your book in good company with other similar titles. Just let us know how we can help.